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Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Here I come!

Hello folks, allow me  to introduce myself! My name is Raymond L. Peters and I'm from Kentucky. I have lived here for several years but I do travel when I get the chance. I have traveled to Mexico, Honduras, Belize, Yucatan, Germany, France and Canada for about five minutes but that's another story.

This year is going to be amazing! I feel it in my very soul that we are going to make some astounding history. I am so excited about my art this year! I have been painting like crazy and the creative juices are just running and pouring out of every pore. 

Check out my website at

When you see my art this is just not something from my imagination but something that I have seen and places that I have been! I'm amazed at living on this planet and seeing the awesome things that we have the opportunity to see. I have always wanted to share this with someone and now I have this wonderful venue to share it with you.

In May I and my wonderful wife, Sonia will be vacationing in Spain and Italy so I am pumped to see what wonderful sights that I can bring home to paint!

I am taking life by the horns and I am soaring to the stars this year! I can't wait to share my adventures with you in photos and paintings.

This is my latest and greatest painting called, "Macaw Mates". I love these wonderful birds not only for their colors but because I'm told that they mate for life. So much for, "Kick them to the curb!" Huh. Too bad that our lives can't be that way.

This particular painting is on a 16X20 canvas and this is an Acrylic painting only for $650.00 plus shipping and handling.  Just think, you can one of the very first to have this original signed by myself in your home.

Well, I must go for now but keep a wayword eye out for my next piece of art.

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