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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Art, Music and Wine! Some Things Do Get Better With Time!

I have lived over a half century. I have seen leaders as well as governments rise and fall. I have seen fashion come full circle. I have seen art and music evolve. I have changed over the years.

There was a time when I was secluded and separated by rationales and beliefs. I was extremely conservative Christian in my beliefs. I am still and always will be a Christian but I'm liberated by Christ,

My Father was an alcoholic but since he had accepted Christ he had not touched a dropped. I never even saw him smoke a cigarette. He was strict but fair. I respected him for that.

I read my Bible and my eyes were opened. There was nothing wrong with having a glass of wine but it was wrong to be drunk and do stupid things.

The same was with music. I was shielded as a child. I was exposed to Gospel music and the Classics. As I Child that's all that I knew. My Aunt Peg introduced me to the Beatles. Pandora's box was opened! I secretly started listening to Rockabilly, Country, Rock and Roll, Blues, Jazz, Hip Hop and the rest is History!

I started singing on Sunday morning on the stage of the First Baptist Church. It was just a bunch of snot nosed kids but it was exciting to get up there and sing the B-I-B-L-E!

I learned that I had a great first tenor voice and people really responded positively to my singing! My Father being and Evangelist we drove thousands of miles going from Church to Church singing all the way.

I have played the piano since I was thirteen. When I was nine, my parents bought an Organ and paid for Organ playing lessons. I went to one lesson. Upon coming out to the car my Mother ask me how I liked the teacher. I said, "Mom,she was the worst teacher of all!" "Why is that, Honey?" She questioned. I replied,"She would point at the note on the music sheet and ask me, What note is that?" I would answer,"I don't know, you're the teacher!"

Four years later, I sat down on a piano bench and started tinkering around with notes and chords. I began sitting down and practicing Everytime I saw a piano free. It would be three in the morning and I would be playing. My father would holler down into the basement where we had an old piano and say,"Raymond, I can't sleep, can you please go to bed now?"
I played in Church and loved every bit of it!

Art has always been a passion of mine. Drawing, doodling, painting, sculpting it all gets my juices flowing!

I would Doodle in school. I was always scetching something! I simply loved art class in school!

I doodled in Church, at home, anywhere where I could find paper pencil or pen!
I am amazed when I visit the Art Museum in Cincinnati,Ohio. The masters are just simply genius in their brush strokes, their lighting and color is just invigorating!

My art is some what different but to some may not be different at all. I have a ritual and a mad genius to my art. I love my camera to put things into focus but then sometimes, I go to my inner child for my pieces! You can see my art on or just Google Raymond's Vision. Please feel free to visit and give me your opinion. Maybe you like to purchase a painting or maybe commission me to paint something for you!

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