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Monday, January 16, 2012

When enough is enough.

So, what is a real man? What is a real woman? It has come to my attention that the modern male has changed to a more feminine gender. Why is that? Is it because that we have been overwhelmed by the media to be a more caring, tender, loving person? Is it because that we have been taught that we should moisturize and exfoliate? Is it because that it is not politically correct to speak ones mind? I believe that women are looking for a real man to take charge and to be confident. Although, now it is of public opinion confidence is now perceived as being cocky. I went to an interview once and was asked the question. The question was, "Why do I believe that I can do this job?" I answered confidently,"Because I have done this job with great success!" This is like asking Super Man why that that he believed that he could be a super hero! He has done it before! He has flown without an airplane! He is bullet proof! He has lazer eyes and Xray Vision. How could he NOT be Super Man?

Now there is an ugly side that we try to sweep under the rug. When is enough, enough? When does being a confident macho man turn into being a pompous ugly bully?

Let me say, that it is NEVER okay to strike a woman! We can also injure them with our language our way of isolating and psychologically harming them with our intimidation. If you are the type to bully, you know what I'm talking about. 
This is a dangerous road that we travel when we harm anyone in this fashion. I know, a lot of women just jumped on the band wagon but let me say this that there are women who use ways to harm men as well.
Our words can be used as weapons of destruction. Remember that once you say something it can never be retrieved. You can heal the wounds but the scars stay forever!

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