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Monday, February 6, 2012

Just a few travel tips!

I'm standing in the gateway of the Segrada Familia in Barcelona Spain. This amazing piece of architecture is a must see when you come here! Get here early! 8:00 AM should put you close to the front of the line. It is 10 Euros to get in and 3 more to put you in the elevator to the top of the Church. Keep in mind that this Church is STILL under construction. It's beautiful and chocked full of the masterful art of Gaudi.

Here I am beginning my journey thru the Five Villages in Tuscany which hugs the sea on the Western side of Italy. My guide Sebastian told us that it might be a bit of a challenge. "It'sa kinda flat." Sebastian was bit of a Pinnochio!

It was worth the five miles of walking to see, hear and taste the sights of Tuscany!

Here we are in the Vatican in Rome. We are beginning our three hour tour! Yes, a three hour tour! Starting with the Cardinal Museum and then the Sistine Chapel and then Saint Peter's Basilica.
(note: If you like wearing bling.....DON'T! Of course if you just love giving away all of your bling, then help yourselves.)

Here, we are in Mallorca, Spain. A beautiful Island just off the Eastern Coast of the Main land of Spain. Simply Beautiful and the hiding spot to a lot of celebrities. 

Here we are with our great friends Mitchell and Jeannie enjoying the afternoon at Lunkin Airport in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Here is my wife and I, (Sonia) just getting to Las Vegas!

As you can see we LOVE to travel!

Here are some of the tips to make your life simpler when traveling.

1. Leave your fears at the gate! What are you waiting for? Get going! Stop putting this off! You're not getting any younger and time is ticking. Over come your fears! Face them! Are you afraid of flying? Go Flying! You will save thousands of dollars in therapy if you just suck it up and face your fear! Do it!
2. Pick a destination! Where have you always wanted to go? Get a map and throw a dart! Just Go!
3. How will you get there? Bicycle? Train? Bus? Airplane? Ship? Check it out and allow for fees and taxes. If you can buy your travel tickets early! The earlier the better! If you do go on a cruise make sure that you buy your air travel separate! Even though it's more convenient to have them do it it cost more for that service. Do insure that you have the proper transfer instructions.
4. Do your research. Learn to read a map. A good GPS doesn't hurt to have either but insure that it's up to date on it's downloads. What can you do at your destination? Where will you stay? What emergency numbers should you know? Can you use your cell phone there? What is the currency? What is the rate of currency? What is security like there? What is the crime rate? What should you do in case of an emergency?
5. When you get on a plane, boat or anything, when they give a public announcement.... Listen!
It really pisses me off when a person of authority is trying to give out information and every one is talking among themselves. No one heard anything but they are the first when something goes wrong to bitch and say, "Nobody told me!"
6. Concerning security: Stop being a sheep! You can say NO. Look around you and keep your eyes open! When you travel, take advantage of money belts, Travel vest, hidden pouches with steel straps to put around your neck in front of you. Keep your wallet in your front pocket with your hand on it in busy crowded conditions. Thieves love busy areas. Look in the eyes of all you come in contact with. If you get on a bus or a train or a subway insure that you can see what's going on. Don't be scared but be aware.
When I was in Barcelona, we were traveling on a bus. I noticed several people get on the bus. They were going to work and had brief cases and other items. One man had a newspaper and a jacket over his arm. He had sunglasses on. He acted as though he was reading the paper but all the while he was looking thru his sunglasses over the top of the newspaper. He was looking for a victim. He was looking, looking, and then his eyes rested on me smiling at him. He smiled back at me and nodded. I nodded back. At the next stop, he politely got off the bus.
Just a few example of what to be watchful of:
There are several kinds of thieves. When we were in Mexico, we had a gentleman to approach us and tried to separate us from the public place to a more private place. This could be very dangerous.
This was his play. He approached us and told us that he was a representative from a hotel and if we came with him he would show us a construction site where the hotel was currently being built. If we go with him and listen to his pitch he would give us, a Sombrero, a bottle of Tequila and a Pancho. 
I smiled at him and told him. "No Gracios, mi Amigo. I have worked on construction sites and have no need to do so again since I am on Vacation." I immediately moved on down the street while he was thinking about my objection.
The reason for my concern was there were reports about an element that would separate a vacationer from the main street take them to an isolated place. They would be robbed. The wife would be raped. Then the worst is to either be killed or be harvested for the illegal sell of kidneys, hearts. On the black market body parts brings hundreds of thousands of dollars! Just be smart. Every where you go is not dangerous but you have to know these areas and what to do if you do stumble upon them.
Again, research the area. Check your state department reports on the internet. is a great source of information and things to do.
7. If you are traveling and you do interact with the locals, please be nice! There is nothing worse then an "Ugly American"! Remember you are an Ambassador of the United States of America. Yes, the laws of their land does apply to YOU! Treat them like you would treat another American.
I remember when we went to Hawaii that our guide took us to a Refuge that was off the beaten path. To get to the Refuge we had to go thru this elderly ladies yard. Everyone was walking thru and I noticed this lady sitting on the steps of her porch. She was watching as all of these people walked thru her yard. Not one of them said, Hello or anything. I stopped and walked over to her. She smiled and pointed back to the Refuge and said, "The Refuge is back there." I smile back at her and said, "I just wanted to stop and thank you for allowing us to go thru your yard so that we could see the refuge."
She looked into my eyes and I could tell that I had touched her heart. She said, "Of all of the thousands of people that have been thru here, you are the only one that has stopped to thank me."
We need to remember the golden rule to treat others like we want to be treated.

8. Where will you stay and what will you eat? These are other things that you will need to know. 
There are a lot of ways to check out hotels and motels or even bed & breakfast places. Again, book early! Many times once you are there you may be able to upgrade your room. 
9. Don't be afraid to negotiate. In some countries if you don't negotiate then you could risk the chance of insulting them.
9a. What are the customs and the holidays of the destination? This is very important because if you can get there during non peak times you may be able to save a bundle without the headaches of the crowds.
Knowing the customs are very important to save you embarrassing situations. Case in point. In Germany  there is a Religious Holiday in which at 12 o'clock midnight you are NOT allowed to dance. You can drink but not dance. You can get into big trouble if you dance during this holiday. Crazy! Always check the travel reports and news.

10. Food is always a great way to break the ice in another country. I don't speak a lot of languages but I do speak FOOD!
Speaking of languages, if you are going to another country pick up a Lexicon in that language. Certain phrases that you may need to know is.
Hello, Good Bye, Please, Thank you, Restaurant, Rest Room, Police, How much? Hospital. Doctor. Where is, When is, Right, Left, Go, Stop. Bus Station, Train Station, Air port, Sea port. Hotel.
There are some great applications for translator's on the Iphone. Many of them are free.

You don't have to be fluent, just try. You will be surprised what doors open when you attempt to speak their language. I knew a taxi driver that would not speak English until you tried to speak his language first, although he spoke fluent English.

All right guys. Off you go now into the big world. If you have any stories to tell or any other travel tips please feel free to write or send photos!

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