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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hello, Hallo, привет, Dia duit, Привіт,здравей,Olá!

I just wanted to take the time to say Hello to our readers from all over the World! I was checking the stats and have found that I have had over 1000 readers since I have started this journey with you.

I wanted to greet my new friends from Germany, Russian, The United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, The Ukraine, Philippines, Bulgaria and Brazil! 
Spread the word! Forward me to your friends and loved ones. I hope that what I'm writing helps, cheers, encourages and most of all makes you think! I want you to take what you read, think about it, mull it over, digest it and then do something about it! Make an impact in where you are!
When you make an impact where you are then there is an explosion that ripples out like a pebble that is dropped in a pond. Take the idea, and expound upon it. Use it to it's fullest potential. Dream the dream and then live the dream!

I have a special place in my heart for all of these countries even though I haven't been to some. 
I served my country in Ulm, Germany in 1983 and 1984. The people were wonderful, the food scrumptious and the beer was incredible!
I have had the chance to travel via train, taxi and via jeep thru most of Germany, taking in it's beauty. Frankfurt, Mainz, SchwebishGamund, Ulm, NeuUlm, Berlin, just to mention a few places. I was actually in Berlin a few weeks before the wall came down. I stayed with my good freind Carl Grun who lived on Mockingbird Strausse. We partied and enjoyed the sites. One of the most remarkable to me was partying in the catacombs under the Kirche Kaputz. In one area there was Rock music, in another Country, in another there was pop music and the list went on and on! He took me to a Yugoslavian restaurant and we ate until I thought that I would pop! They introduced me to Slevovits. I hope the spelling is correct. It was plum whiskey. Very smooth to the taste.
On the train trip back to Frankfort, I met a Georgian Man who was an officer in their Army. We spoke the night thru about different philosophies and one question came up. He asked me, "What is this thing called democracy?" I told him, "It's something like this, George. I may not like you and you may not like me, but I will die for your right to say what you want to say and be what you want to be." He was astounded. He asked, "What would you like to see in the future?" I answered him, "I would like to see our two families come together on a Sunday afternoon for a picnic and our children to play together." He smiled at me and said, "This would be good." I never saw George after that train ride but a few weeks later the wall came down. My Friend, Carl use to have to go to Check Point Charlie to visit his family who just lived across the wall from him. Now they see each other whenever they want.  In some ways, life is better!
I have never been to Russian but I have always wanted to visit. When I visit a country, I don't like to do the touristy things. Most people want to go to Moscow and to Red Square, which is nice I suppose but I want to meet the people. I want to hear their stories, taste of their food, their drinks and see what interest them. I wouldn't mind going to see Saint Petersburg and the Winter Castle. I think that would be interesting. Maybe one day, I will.
I have never been to Britain but I wouldn't mind going with my camera just to see the beautiful architecture and the beautiful landscapes.
Even though I'm Irish, Scottish and Cherokee Indian, I have never been to Ireland but this September I'll be in Dublin for ONE day! I wish that I could spend more time there. I would like to meet the Peters that live there. Not to take anything from them other than to let them know that we here in America have not forgotten our roots and where we came from. I would love to set down and have a pint of Guinness or Smithwykes and share some Shepherds Pie and top it off with a good Irish Whiskey. I wouldn't mind seeing where the Peters lived in Ireland. I have heard that the Peters originated from England and then some split to go to Ireland. I think that would be interesting.
I went to Canada one time by mistake. I was lost in Detroit and asked a Policeman for direction and he sent me to Canada. I went across the bridge and pulled up to the gate where a man came out to the truck with a big flat hat and a bright red jacket and black puffy pants. He said,"Welcome to Canada, do you have anything to declare?" I said, "Yes sir, I declare that I'm lost and want to get to the Red Roof Inn in Detroit Michigan." He smiled and turned us around to go back into the United States. I would very much like to visit Canada because since then I have learned about some of it's beautiful cities and wild landscapes that I would love to paint.
I have never been to the Ukraine but I believe that it would be interesting to visit, to be inspired and to meet the wonderful, strong people there. When I see the Ukraine on a map I just think about how vast it is and how beautiful that it must be.
As for the Philippines, I know a little Tagolog. Malaguyung Pasku. They tell me that it means Merry Christmas. I have met several Philipino's here in the United States. I would love to visit there sometime to just get a feel for the culture and history. I do enjoy Island life and it's simplicity. The closest that I have been is probably Hawaii. I enjoyed Hawaii so very much.

I have a fondness in my heart for Bulgaria. In fact I have a Bulgarian Bible in my library office. I received from my late Father, Doctor Elmo Peters. When he was a young minister he went from church to church here in the United States, showing a film and raising money to smuggle Bibles into Communist Countries. He raised thousands of dollars and we helped finance the smuggling of thousands of Bibles into Russian, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Czeckoslavakia, China and most of the Eastern block. Years later I got to speak to a fellow Bulgarian and I told him about my father. He smiled and said, "Thank You." I asked him,"Why?" He replied, "Because I also have one of those Bibles." 

Another place that I believe would be so fun to go would be Brazil. Even though Rio De janeiro gets a lot of publicity I would also like to see other places there. I will say that I know that my concerns of things that can hurt, sting, bite or eat me are pretty overwhelming, I believe I can over come it to enjoy the people and the country. So, Como você está?

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