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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Intelligent Design and Evolution?

As some of my avid readers know, I doing a lot of thinking, contemplating and researching and cross referencing when it comes to problems, issues or certain arguments. As some of you know, I come from a strong Christian, Fundamental background with my Father, Dr. Elmo Peters D.D. being a Minister of the Gospel for 50 years. Now yes, I have been influenced to a point but I have also started thinking outside of the box. I don't just blindly take for granted everything that is taught or preached from the podium. I do my due diligence and I encourage you to do the same. If you have read any of my writings you know that I DO believe every word that is in the King James Bible that was translated in 1611. I stand on that and am immovable. With that being said, I am always in search of the truth.

Of course as the course of man goes there are two thoughts in terms of man and his beginnings. I guess we shall always look for that as opposed to looking towards the future. It's almost like going thru life driving in reverse. If we must then I suppose we must.
My question is What IF to some extinct both are equally true? What if there was an Intelligent design on the world in general and because of that starting point evolution has taken place?

The ones that follow the "theory" of evolution says that everything started with a big bang. I also concur that there was a starting place. Even Albert Einstein and other scientist agree on this fact that there was a place of beginning somewhere in the eons of years past. I believe that with all my heart that when there was nothing but void in the space and time had yet to become or to be measured. The Bible says, "In the beginning....God!" 
Imagine, no stars, no suns, no planets, just infinite space and one being. God speaks and the ultimate sound of his incredible voice booms across time and space. He literally speaks the Universe into existence. We as puny humans have forgotten his greatness. So just like a movable crash site in time and space. Imagine space being like the Ocean. So when an Airplane crashes into the ocean, what happens? It enters the exact time and space, then what happens? The current takes the pieces and scatters it, right? So yes, as the scientist have claimed, there was the beginning, or the starting place or the bang and God is still creating! How do we know this? Jesus, God's Son told his desciples when he was leaving after his resurrection, "I go to prepare a place for you." He talks about this wonderful place in the book of Revelations. John the Revelator wrote about the new Heaven and the new Earth! He also wrote about the New Jerusalem that would come down out of Heaven! God is still creating! People think that this happened billions of years ago. Maybe it did, maybe not but it was all in God's time! He's time is different then ours because he is the Alpha and the Omega, The beginning and the end! The secrets are right in front of us. It's so simple that a child can understand it.

Do I believe in evolution of animals and man? Absolutely! Although, I cannot in good knowledge believe that I came from a primate. If I needed a transfusion would it be possible to find a primate that I could get the needed blood from? I think not. You are probably thinking, "How can you believe in evolution if you don't believe that man came from apes?" I believe that the HUMAN species of man has evolved in size, athletic ability, mind and spirituality. 

For instance the majority of my Uncles are shorter and small than I am. When I'm with them I stand head  and shoulders above them. When looking at old pictures of our families you can see the difference in height and weight. There is the evolution of the mind. The things that we know now are certainly different then the beliefs of our fore fathers and ancestors. There are some things that have gotten better but their are others things that have gotten worse. 

Today we are for the most part better in education but many of us have an issue with wisdom. Our Faith in God has grown weaker. We believe that we can solve all of our own problems even though we pour millions of dollars into psychiatrist, doctors, phsychologist, behavior therapist and drugs to assist in our anxiety, our anger, our delusions and our pure lunacy.

I also find it interesting how similar a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Chicken are in the way they move, run and walk. Wouldn't that be interesting that the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex had actually Devolved? Is that possible? Devolving? I believe so.

I do know, thru the Word of God that there was Giants in the Earth. So is that Giants in terms of the dinosaurs? Yes, based upon the fossils, bones, DNA and skeletons found, it would take a fool to discount these findings. I do believe that there are some error in carbon dating.  There was an Archeological dig that was being dug and an article was found. The scientist and archeologist gathered around to look at this miraculous find. That did carbon dating on it and found it to be about 6 million years old and they were so happy at finding this wonderful find. They took it to be cleaned up. After brushing off all of the mud and grime that were confused and let down to find that this was only a Coca-Cola bottle top!
Do you believe that there were giants in terms of the Saga of David and Goliath? Some say that was just a story but if you read Hebrew History, their truly was a King David that was once a shepherd boy that killed a Champion of Philistia, called Goliath. He stood Nine foot and six inches. That is a fact.
I thought that I would share some interesting videos with you. Keep an open mind and just listen. Giants? Possible?

Fact, Noah built an Arch for the saving of his family. Because of that work the species that we have today are here because of Noah and the hard work that his Son's put into that Ark. If you go to Mount Ararat you will find the Ark. By the way, it was found in the 1970's. My father new one of the men that found it. I remember his joy that his Faith had been confirmed.
No one seemed to believe those that found it but now we are seeing that folks from China seemed to found it and brought back images.

I believe that Science is just NOW catching up to the scriptures of the Bible. For years people scoffed at people for believing that there were millions of stars unfortunately they never read the scriptures where that the stars were as the sands of the sea. In Genesis it talked about the firmaments. The sky where the birds fly and the heavens above that firmament. Yet, learned men refused the Biblical account. 

 If you think about it though it's not so much important about where we came from as it is in where we are going! Where are we going? What is our purpose? What is our mission? What are we supposed to be learning?
I do not believe in reincarnation although I believe in a Spiritual Rebirth. The Bible says, "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." It also says, "It is appointed unto man ONCE to die and then the Judgment." I do believe that death is a portal into eternity. That destination is determined by the choice of the person in either the acceptance of the Love of God or the rejection of the love of God.

So for you, as a human being, are you doing what you are supposed to be doing?

Are you at peace with God? With Yourself? With your loved ones?

How do you feel about your current situation?

Here is what I do know. I am here for a reason. I need to find that reason and get on with what I'm supposed to be doing. Death for me is not final just the beginning of an incredible eternal journey.

1 comment:

  1. Actually...

    Evolution and cosmology aren't really related. Evolution doesn't speak to abiogenesis. While someone who believes in evolution (such as myself) might hold an opinion about how life began, science hasn't yet determined the exact beginning process. Although, I think the urey-miller experiments among other point us in the correct direction.

    Intelligent design is simply a rewrite of creationism to try and make it sound "scientificky". In fact there was a trial "Kitzmiller vs. Dover" that brought out pretty much all of the evidence and blew intelligent design well out of the water.

    As for not believing that men and great apes descended from a common ancestor, the DNA evidence is as predicted, there is not not much of an argument that can be made against it.

    Please provide real scientific evidence for the finding of the ark. There have been numerous claims of such and no real evidence. There have even been admitted scams concerning it.

    If you truly truly want the truth, you can find it. When you say you want to know the truth and you're open to the truth, then you say that you will never not believe in the KJV. You're not being honest with yourself.

    You should read "The greatest show on earth". There is no way an open minded intelligent human being can come away and not believe in evolution. Also.. for the argument that god's time is not like out time. The original hebrew of the OT defines a "day" as the sun coming up and sun going down..that's 24 hours...
